Club Spotlight: Peer Helpers
Club Spotlight: Peer Helpers

Seniors Baylor McCrary and Sophie Utz walked into Peggy Huycke's upper school French class. In their hands were a bag of delicious cookies. "We're from Peer Helpers and we wanted to drop these by to just wish everyone a good day."

Peer Helpers is a club in the upper school that encourages students to interact with their peers in a positive and productive manner. "We try to spread kindness around school," said Baylor, who is president of the club this year.

Baylor became involved with Peer Helpers her sophomore year after reading the "bathroom blurbs," which are different sayings or useful facts left in bathroom stalls or mirrors that students enjoy. "We didn't have that at my old school, and I loved them." she said.

The group plans on spreading cheer through several events and activities, starting with random acts of kindness by providing treats to students in each department of the school. The club plans to continue the popular "bathroom blurbs" and destress bags during finals week, which will be available soon for parents to purchase. "We do a lot of small things that people appreciate," Baylor said. "I think they add up over time."

Sponsor Emily Hendricks '84 said students seem to enjoy the fun activities and treats presented by the club. "During finals week, we will hand out free hot chocolate, and students are shocked that its free," she said. "In the spring, we'll provide popsicles on the patio. It's fun to give items to others and say, 'Have a great day!'"

"Those involved with the club really enjoy doing things for others to put a smile on their face," Emily said.

Baylor is hoping to get more student body involvement this year. "I definitely want to see students interact with each other more and connect more with our club," she said.