PHS Plans For Solar Eclipse
PHS Plans For Solar Eclipse

Monday, Aug. 21, is not only Pembroke Hill's first day of school, but it will also be the first time since 1918 that a total solar eclipse will make its path over the continental United States.

New models indicate that Pembroke Hill will not be in the path of the total solar eclipse. However, a partial eclipse is expected around 1 p.m.

Pembroke Hill will provide special viewing glasses for all students and faculty/staff. Specific plans for the event in each of the four divisions include:

Early Childhood School

The early childhood children will experience the wonder of this event from inside the classrooms.

Lower School
Lower school science teacher Sandy Longhofer is providing resource materials for each homeroom teacher to share with students. The division will go outside to observe the eclipse.

Middle School
Prior to gathering on the quadrangle at approximately 1 p.m., middle school students will participate in a special assembly during which science teachers will present information about the eclipse.

Upper School
Upper school students will also attend a special assembly to learn about the eclipse prior to going outside to view the event.