Wornall Campus Libraries
McNeely Primary Library (Grades EY-2) &
Dickey Intermediate Library (Grades 3-5)
The library is open Monday – Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 4 p.m.
(Closed during summer)
How To Links
Learn how to use the online catalog to search for books.
Learn how to make your own "To Read" list in your PHS Library account.
Borrowing Books
Welcome, Pembroke Hill Intermediate Students! You are a patron of the Dickey Library.
Dickey Library patrons are welcome to check out 3-4 books at a time.
Books are due 2 week or 14 days after they are checked out.
If patrons need to renew their book rather than return it, they may login to their account and do so themselves, or make a request to the librarian.
Books may be returned in the small black carts placed at the entrance, or through the book drop at the circulation desk.
How to treat a book: Please hold your book with 2 hands, or hug it to your chest. Keep your book dry. Use a bookmark. Please do not "dog ear" the corner of the pages. Make sure your hands are clean when reading. Keep your book off of the floor.
Thank you for being responsible, scholarly library patrons.
I hope you enjoy your books,
Ms. Simpson, PHS LS Librarian