Project Tour

Capital Campaign

Architectural Rendering of Ward Parkway Campus Lawn

View of the new Lawn, looking from Patterson Hall toward the library and upper school.

The Lawn will be on a single level. This will be the center of the school and a gathering point for community and traditions.

3D Rendering of Ward Parkway Campus Lawn

View of new Lawn looking for upper school toward Phillips Gym, improved Hall Student Center and new Patterson Hall.

The Lawn will be on a single level. This will be the center of the school and a gathering point for community and traditions.

Architectural Rendering of Ward Parkway Campus

The Arts Connector skyway bridge connects Centennial Hall to the Patterson Hall. Patterson Hall connects to a new facade and lobby space for Hall Student Center. In front, the new Bellis Athletic Center and bleachers face a new track and football field.

Architectural Rendering of Athletic Center Entry Gate

The Bellis Athletic Center completes the campus, limiting entry points to the upper school and middle school entrances and a security booth near the Athletic Center.

Architectural Rendering of Hall Student Center lower level entry

Hall Student Center main level entry. The stairs in the foreground lead to new academic space to be used by computer science, robotics, speech and debate. The large staircase leads up to Patterson Hall. In the background, see the new exhibition space and lower level entry to Hall Student Center auditorium.

3D rendering of skyway interior with exhibition space

The arts connector skyway bridge connects Centennial Hall to Patterson Hall.

The arts connector adds additional exhibition space for student visual artworks. The Building Together construction will increase and improve exhibition space in Hall Student Center and Centennial Hall.

Architectural Rendering of Aerial Completed Project

The new football field and track adjacent to Ward Parkway at the bottom of the rendering sit in front of the new Bellis Athletic Center. Behind the Bellis Athletic Center, Hall Student Center's new addition connects it to Patterson Hall and an Arts Connector skyway bridge connects Patterson Hall to Centennial Hall.

In the center of campus, a new Lawn creates a beautiful green for community gathering.

Project Highlights

Bellis Athletic Center Opening Celebration

We celebrated our past and created new traditions as the Pembroke Hill School community was welcomed to the opening of the Bellis Athletic Center. Opening Celebration events took place Dec. 2 - 4, 2021, and included an open house, dedication ceremony, Late Night At Pembroke Hill, inaugural basketball games and Alumni Day.

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Artwork Installed In Hall Student Center

Jubilation, a textile piece by artist Sara Sonié Thompson-Ruffin, was commissioned on behalf of Don and Adele Hall to be displayed in the renovated Hall Student Center. The piece incorporates fabrics from the PHS community and holds several meanings for Pembroke Hill.

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Interested in what the construction progress of this project has looked like over time? Visit the Construction page for photos of the campaign's construction since it began in December 2020.

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