Why I Give
Pembroke Hill School Fund
We give to Pembroke Hill because this year in particular, the school has found a way to let our kids be kids among the most challenging of circumstances. We are so proud to be a part of this community, and donating is just one small way of saying thank you to everyone at Pembroke Hill for going above and beyond this year. Gina and Jeff ’98 Stingley, current parentS
We have seen over the years that the contributions made to the PHSF go a long way in helping the faculty and staff to provide additional programs that expand the creativity and learning opportunities throughout the school year. Every year, each classroom is different in the interests shown by the mix of kids in it, so the teachers always come up with new ideas to enhance their teachings, adapting them to the particular necessities. Janette and Jorge Santizo, current PHS parents
The opportunity for us to support Pembroke Hill, its faculty and staff, and the children who call it home is a special one to our family. As we are now fourth generation attendees of the school, Pembroke Hill has been a focal point of our family for nearly 80 years.
“We know our gifts to both the PHS Fund and the Building Together campaign allow us to help provide the best possible experiences, facilities and outcomes for all the students and faculty for the next four generations. Erin and Michael ’99 Sullivan, current PHS parents
We view the Pembroke Hill Fund as the icing on our school’s cake! It allows our school to provide the ‘extras’ that set our school community apart in every way.Molly Maxwell and Ryan Sprott, current PHS parents
I give to the PHSF because Pembroke Hill continued to facilitate my growth and learning well beyond the time I spent in the halls of Boocock and Jordan. The PHSF provides teachers with opportunities for both professional and personal growth, the impact of which can be seen in the unique curriculum and opportunities offered to PHS students.Anna Toms ’05, former PHS middle school teacher